Open Car: With one click, the uninsured vehicles are “arrested”

Open Car: With one click, the uninsured vehicles are “arrested”

The Ministries of Finance and Digital Government and the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) announce that the new  Open Car service has been put into productive operation . This is the platform through which citizens can search for information about vehicles that have license plates issued in Greece. The service is located at, in the section “Citizen and daily life” and the subsection “Transportation”. Alternatively, citizens can access the service directly, at

The information that the user of the service has access to is the following:

  • if the vehicle is in motion / immobility or has been stolen
  • if it is insured / uninsured, as well as the start and end date of insurance and
  • the color, the manufacturer and the type of vehicle

Please note that the Open Car service does not provide information on the identity of the owners or owners of the vehicles, nor details of any debts from road tax. No authentication is required to enter the platform and the search is performed based only on the vehicle registration number.

The design and development of the service was done by the Independent Public Revenue Authority, the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems, the General Secretariat for Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the National Technical University of Greece (ETO).

The relevant decision was announced in December  here