According to Article 15 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the movement and driving of any road vehicle that emits substances or products harmful to human health or pollutants to the environment beyond the limits permitted by law is expressly prohibited.
The exhaust gas card (K.E.K.) was introduced in order to reduce vehicle emissions into the atmosphere. It is administered after control and measurement of the exhaust gases emitted by the vehicle in order to certify its non-polluting use. The process is usually operated by KTEO and the cost of issuance is very affordable.
All vehicles, regardless of fuel, have the obligation to issue an exhaust card, one year from the first day of their circulation and must renew it in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
The renewal of the card is mandatory every year for all EIX and FICH up to 3.5 tons gross weight and every six months for Public Vehicles, Heavy and Taxi vehicles gross weight over 3.5 tons.
The obligation to issue the exhaust card is not affected by the type of fuel, while motorcycles are exempt from the obligation to issue.
The owner and driver of a polluting vehicle, in case it is checked by the Traffic Police, will pay an administrative fine and on the spot removal of the license in accordance with the provisions of KOK and in addition the fine for lack of exhaust card depending on the pollutants it emits.