Solar Water Heaters are usually found installed on terraces, tiles and in outdoor areas of homes and businesses.
The solar water heater is considered part of the building and its value is included in the value of the building that is insured. Whether it is permanently attached to the main building or not, the initial application for home insurance must state its existence, origin and value. Respectively if it is placed later than the beginning of the contract.
There are also companies that provide hot water, such as hospitals, kitchens, hotels, clinics, hairdressers, and include solar water heater installations. This is a business asset and should be properly declared and insured.
Because the solar water heater is usually installed outdoors and is exposed to the weather, there are some differences between insurance policies.
Several insurance packages cover the material damage that will be caused to the solar water heater by a building fire, weather phenomena, earthquake, provided that these risks are listed as coverage in the insurance policy. Some other insurance policies explicitly list the solar water heater for providing Alternative Energy coverage, along with other similar appliances and facilities. Some other packages do not include the coverage and some packages provide it with all the standard benefits.
Damage from wear, age, abrasions, damage, malfunctions are not compensated.
The compensation is given up to a percentage of the total insurance amount of the building or up to a specific amount, which is listed in the insurance benefits list and / or in the terms.
Insured persons should be informed in detail by their mediator about what is valid and what is not, depending on the insurance package they have chosen.