Panic attacks affect the quality of human life.
The most common factors are intense stress, sensitive character, changes in brain function and external events such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, abuse and generally a traumatic event.
A panic attack can manifest with chest pain, strong heartbeat, fear, trembling, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, cramps in the abdomen, dizziness, fainting, a knot in the throat and difficulty swallowing. However, there is usually no danger to human life.
Because the symptoms of a panic attack are reminiscent of the symptoms of other serious illnesses such as a heart attack, the incident is considered urgent, until the development of a pathological health problem is ruled out.
As an emergency, the insured has the opportunity to make use of the medical benefits provided by all health insurances and to visit the outpatient clinics of a hospital cooperating with his contract, in order to be provided with first aid.
A medical examination by a physician or cardiologist and the first diagnostic tests up to a certain amount are usually provided free of charge. A prerequisite is timely communication with the company’s coordination center and the mediator.
In the second year, if sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist are required, then the insured should visit the specialist on his own initiative and at his own expense. Most hospital insurance policies usually reimburse you for a visit to a psychologist / psychiatrist only after surgery or hospitalization.
Find out in detail from the ombudsman and your company.