The new Top Plus hospital insurance program covers people aged 1 month to 65 years. It is a “rich” in benefits program with a very affordable and competitive premium that will shield your health, providing a guarantee of contract renewal with the same terms and benefits.
Top Plus comes closer to your needs by providing a number of coverages and benefits such as (indicative):
- Free newborn insurance for 1 year
- Alternative Therapies (acupuncture – homeopathy)
- Childbirth allowance and coverage of childbirth complications, with a limit of 10 times the stipulated childbirth allowance
- Zero financial burden on serious illnesses – deductibles do not apply in these cases
- Up to 20% discount on children’s insurance premiums, provided that one or both parents are insured at the same time.
- 5% discount on insurance premiums for those living outside the Prefecture of Attica
- Exclusive Nurse for 3 shifts with a maximum of € 200 per 24 hours and up to twenty (20) 24 hours
- Care in a very extensive and reliable network of collaborating hospitals but also in any hospital in Greece and abroad, with 100% coverage in Europe
- Extended coverage for check-up, free colonoscopy and gastroscopy, speech therapy – occupational therapy costs, psychologist’s fee coverage, etc.
Plus in benefits
- A sufficient capital to cover the costs of treatment in the best hospitals in Greece and abroad that reaches 500,000 euros per year
- Provides you with direct access and a wide choice among the most modern health care providers, Hospitals, Hospitals, Diagnostic centers with a simple phone call to our coordination center.
- It gives you the opportunity to choose from the beginning of the insurance your Nursing position A, B, C
- You can also choose how much you want to participate in combination with your public or other insurance company (group insurance) thus shaping the final cost of your insurance according to your own financial capabilities
What secures you?
The top plus provides you with a number of advantages making the program particularly attractive.
Plus fewer exemptions and more benefits
- Guarantees you the renewal of the contract with the same terms and benefits if the premiums are paid on time.
- Your participation in the costs of hospitalization (exemption) will be calculated only once a year and not per hospitalization!
- In an emergency of your health as well as in surgery the hospitalization that does not need to spend the night in the hospital in combination with your public insurance institution, reducing the participation rate you have chosen (exemption) to 10% !!
- Emergencies
Coverage is provided exclusively in the outpatient clinics of the contracted Nursing Institutions and the Company will cover the recognized expenses without deducting the foreseeable deductible amount, provided the participation of the Social Security Fund and the use of the Social Insurance Fund. benefits provided by contracted Private Hospitals. In any different case, the recognized costs will be covered, after deducting ten percent (10%) of the estimated deductible amount. - It removes the deductible amount and you will not have any participation for serious events of your health such as (Stroke, heart attack, myocardial cancer, third degree burns but also for radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
- You will not have any participation if you choose to be treated in a public hospital
- It will cover all accommodation costs in ICU or MAF
- If your insurance company covers the amount of your participation, it will refund you an amount equal to 30% of the difference
- It provides the possibility of reducing the deductible amount every three years and up to 2 times without checking the customer’s insurability.
- Coverage of Congenital Illnesses
The costs of hospitalization are covered, for the treatment of congenital diseases, unknown at the initial conclusion of the insurance, after the lapse of five (5) consecutive annual insurance periods. The coverage is provided exclusively in contracted hospitals, with full application of the deductible amount up to the amount of fifty thousand euros (250,000 €). - Periodic or chronic dialysis coverage
Covers the costs of hospitalization, for the treatment of periodic or chronic dialysis regardless of the cause, after the lapse of five (5) consecutive annual insurance periods. The coverage is provided exclusively in contracted hospitals, with full application of the deductible amount, up to the amount of fifty thousand euros (250,000 €). The insured is obliged, in any case of hospitalization, to use the benefits of his Social Insurance Fund. If the insured refuses to use his Social Insurance Fund, or there is no Social Security Fund, no coverage is provided.
Plus bonuses
- In case of no claim for compensation, it provides you with a hospital allowance of 120 euros for each day of your hospitalization with a maximum of 20 days
- Additional surgical allowance that can reach 2000 euros.
- It provides maternity allowance after 24 months which can reach 1800 euros.
- Provides up to 15000 to cover the costs of any complications that may occur in pregnancy.
- Free newborn insurance until the end of the insurance period.
Plus coverage of expenses that may occur
- It will cover any expenses you need before and after the hospitalization but also expenses for inpatient care since it covers you for them with an amount that can reach 3000 euros.
- Rehabilitation costs 100 euros per day for 30 days.
- Provides cost coverage for exclusive nurse services 24 hours a day.
- Health prevention expenses as it provides you with a checkup every year and other expenses for colonoscopy and gastroscopy every 2 years.
- It can cover the costs that may be needed for breast reconstruction as it provides an amount of 5000 for this purpose.
- Covers the purchase costs for additional body parts as well as corrective devices eg pacemaker.
- Covers expenses related to congenital diseases after 5 years of stay in the program.
- Expenses for improving acoustic acuity
- Costs of obesity surgery
- Expenses improvement of refractive problems eg myopia over 6 degrees after 5 years of stay in the program
- Coverage of expenses, alternative therapies, acupuncture, homeopathy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and coverage of psychological support expenses after serious hospitalization.
Plus benefits
- The insured with our hospital programs also have access to a number of important privileges such as (free medical visits and examinations, absorption of part of the planned participation of the client in the hospital expenses, etc.), which we have secured in cooperation with large cooperating hospitals.