In case one needs to take out a travel insurance, you should pay attention to the following points:
Exemptions and limits per coverage: some benefits are exempt and the insured needs to participate at his / her own expense in case of damage, such as coverage for medical expenses or coverage for transfer to a first aid center. All coverages do not have unlimited compensation and have ceilings such as loss of life or loss of luggage.
Insurance age: some companies with standard programs insure travelers up to the age of 70 and some insure up to 70 years for illness and from 70 years and up only for accident. Others insure until the age of 75. There are also contracts from foreign companies that provide coverage without age restriction.
Covid-19 insurance: some companies cover covid-19 cases and some do not. This difference is also found between programs of the same company. In case of covid-19 coverage, which benefits are insured and how. For example, the “loss of life” coverage in some programs is covered by both illness and cause covid-19, and in some other programs it is provided only after a personal “accident” and covid-19 is excluded.
Group travel insurance: receive a copy of benefits, coverage limits and terms. A travel agency may be responsible for the trip, but the insured also needs to be informed.
Find out in detail from the ombudsman and your company.