In the event that an insured person discovers a total or partial theft of their vehicle, they should immediately contact:
1) with the Traffic Police or the nearest Police Department and to declare the incident, to file a lawsuit against unknown persons and to receive a copy from the Incident Report
2) with the intermediary and his company, if his insurance policy includes the coverage of Total-Partial Theft, or also the coverage of Crystal Breakage if there is damage to the crystals and to prepare a statement of damage
The Total Theft coverage will compensate the owner with the current commercial value of the vehicle on the day of its loss, if the vehicle has not been found after a period of time, which is specifically stated in the insurance policy for example 45 or 90 days etc. depending on the company.
The Partial Theft coverage will immediately compensate the insured for the value of the stolen vehicle parts, which are firmly attached to it and are necessary for its operation. For the additional components that are inside it such as audio, video, navigation, telecommunication systems, etc., they must be a factory installation or be mentioned in the terms or a special agreement has been made within the insurance policy. In addition, the damages that the thief will create in the body of the vehicle from the violation and / or the attempt of violation will be compensated.
Find out in detail from the ombudsman and your company.